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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Below was sent to me by an Iranian

My fellow Iranians it is an opportune time for us to take advantage of the 911mosque site controversy to remind Americans of Islamic rules that are currently dominant in Iran and awaiting them within two generations into the future.

Email or call your local and national talk shows tell them; America needs to wakeup, as it is right now a construction permit has been issued to build a 400 feet minaret in the heart of Silicon valley the Mecca of America's computers.
The $100 million mosque in NY is the beginning of the submission process to a war that started on 911. The enemy had schemed to bankrupt American towns and cities through a war by attrition and like any other war in which the subjugator imposes its condition on the vanquished America has to accept their condition for peace by allowing the spread of mosques in the communities. Remember mosque is not a place only to worship, so proclaimed Mohammad, but a political party a network where decisions and plans are made to advance the cause of Islam as it did at the inception of the revolution in Iran. Sharia law will become the governing rule as it did in Iran.

Perhaps today seeing a phalanx of Moslems on the streets of NY flagellating themselves bloody on Ashura day taken as a cross cultural amazement in comparison to the NY City New Year's Day Parade. But what about tomorrow when your grandchildren have to observe the month of Ramadan avoid eating and drinking specially alcohol in public or receiving lashes accused of: display of public affection "holding hands", fornicating "having boy and girlfriend relationship, defying Islamic dress code "stylish appearance to entice sexuality, blaspheme "criticizing or challenging Shria law"

Wouldn't your grandchildren ask why grandpa and mo allowed this to happen. As the current generation of Iranians ask their parents the same question today.

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