Blame the Zionists! "IMF: Gaza's economy shot up by 16% so far in 2010," by Avi Issacharoff for Haaretz, September 14 (thanks to Benedict):
The International Monetary Fund expects the Palestinian economy to grow by 8 percent overall this year, after the West Bank economy grew by 9 percent in the first half and the Gaza Strip by a whopping 16 percent.
This compares to growth of only 1 percent in Gaza for all of 2009, and of 8.5 percent in the West Bank for all of last year, according to a World Bank report published in April.
The IMF's report attributed Gaza's impressive growth in the first half of this year both to the easing of Israel's blockade - though most of this occurred only during the final month of the half - and to the fact that the comparable period of 2009 was so poor, due in part to the Israel-Hamas war that ended in January 2009.
"It's starting from a very low base after a very tight blockade," said Oussama Kanaan, the IMF representative in the West Bank and Gaza.
The assistance of international organizations, which launched various projects in Gaza during the first half of 2010, also contributed to the Strip's economic growth, the report said....
SOURCE: JihadWatch- Robert Spencer
Genocides are not what they use to be...isn't it???