So much as happened in the past couple of weeks, and as much as it is a lot to absorb, this is a time where people need to get educated and be aware of what is going on in the world.
I met Walid Shoebat a week ago, and spoke with him personally. Walid was born and raised in Bethlehem , Israel, from an Arab father and an American mother. Raised as a Muslim, Walid grew up to become a terrorist working for the PLO.
Walid married a Christian woman, and later renounced Islam, after questioning his faith and his hatred of the Jewish people. Walid eventually became a Christian and has been a crusader exposing the cult of Islam ever since. Walid spoke of current events and brought up the subject of Turkey and had a lot to say about the Turks. Turkey has also been on my mind for quite a while now, and as I spoke to Walid about my concerns, and shared my points with him, he agreed on everything I had to say.
Take the Mavi Marmara, the Gaza flotilla ship for example. this whole operation was just another excuse to attack the IDF soldiers, and a distraction for the world from the real issues.
It was amazing to see the world accuse Israel of "attacking humanitarian activists", when it was so clear for the eye to see the Turks beating the IDF soldiers...Yet, the world was seeing something completely different!
The so called "peace activists" wanted to die! They were chanting the martyr's song prior to their departure. Why? Because Muslims believe that when a martyr dies, he or she will go straight to Allah's paradise, to a better life, then will become an intercessor for 70 members of their family!
This was a great way to deceive the world, by making Israel look bad to the world and to the UN. Best of all, it took the attention away from the fact that Turkey just made an alliance with Iran, while supporting their nuclear program.
Turkey has become a very powerful country, both politically and militarily speaking. Turkey, once a secular country, has fallen into the hands of Islamists, which plunged the country into regression, after President Ahmet Necdec Sezer left, ending his seven year term on May 16, 2007. 2007 is also the year Hamas took over Gaza...
Abdullah Gul, a former student of Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen, was then elected President of Turkey.
Russia also made an alliance with Iran and both Turkey and Russia are arming Iran to the teeth as we speak! Turkey is the country to watch closely, as it emerged rather suddenly and has now the power to annihilate all of the European armies!
Now, let's take a look at Fethullah Gulen, a so called Islamic scolar from Turkey, who has been praised for his "peace" talks by the Clintons, and many others, like Bill Gates, who shed $10,500,000 toward his Islamic schools in the US, a total of 85 schools, all paid for by the taxpayers. This so called peace activist had to leave Turkey because of his extreme ideas for the Islamation of the world, and his desire to re-establish the Ottoman Empire as well as a universal Caliphate! He also dreams of bringing Shariah Law to the US. While Turkey didn't want him, the US not only accepted him but welcomed him with open arms! Fethullah Gulen now resides in the US, where he built a Fortress, training future Jihadists, in Pennsylvania.
Homeland Security tried to deport him, but couldn't. His visa once rejected was eventually approved. The CIA is backing his movement. Why?
Not to mention that Dalia Mogahed, appointed by Barack Obama, and the first Muslim woman to be a member of the White House Advisory Council on Faith-based and neighborhood partnerships, has also praised Fethullah Gulen's movement who in her opinion, is a model and inspiration for all those working for the good of the society.
Dalia Mgahed commented on a couple topics, including the US approach to Muslims worldwide, during the Obama administration, the state democracy and religious freedom in the Muslim world, as well as the contributions of the Gulen movement to global peace and understanding.
Are we talking about two different people? This guy was thrown out of Turkey for his extreme ideas, before 2007!!! He wants the Islamization of the world, global Shariah Law, and the Ottoman Empire back, as well as a universal Caliphate!!! Yet, he is regarded as the prince of peace! I see him as a dangerous terrorist.
Meanwhile, Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf got the approval from the New York board to build his mosque at Ground Zero. He too professes global peace, while desiring the Islamization of the world! His idea to build a mosque has nothing to do with peace and prayers, but will be a great way to introduce Shariah Law to New York and the US, through his mosque. meanwhile, building a mosque at Ground Zero, is not only a slap in the face of the victims of 9/11, but to all the American people as well!
Have the leaders in the US gone mad? Don't they see what happened in Europe? Europeans are sick of Islam, and are rebelling! Are people this blind to still believe Islam is a religion of peace?
This concludes my point. We see something terrible is about to happen, while our leaders are leading us to destruction! Muslims are using an old practice called taqiyya. Taqiyya means deception, lying to the infidels by any means, in order to hide their Faith under threat or persecution. Lying by using taqiyya is permissible in the Qu'ran to conceal a Muslim's true identity, and to mislead the enemy in the true nature, goals and strength of Islam.
Food for thought: When Turks and Muslims in general want to Islamize the world and bring their Shariah Law to Western countries, when Ahmadinejad says he wants to wipe Israel and the US off the map, they are not kidding.
Walid Shoebat is an incredible and brave man. Any inteligente living muslim should look at his exemple, watch Obsession and become an apostate.