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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Islamic mosque built at 9/11 Ground Zero

A new Islamic mosque will open its doors just some steps from Ground Zero where Muslim terrorists murdered 2,751 people in the name of Allah on Sept. 11, 2001.
First time i heard that i swear i thought it was just a joke with a very, but very bad taste. No way! Americans wouldn't allowed, new yorkers wouldn't allowed. It was to much of an absurd. Cordoba House ( the islamic center that includes the mosque) comes across as grossly insensitive.
This whole thing makes me sick and I can't even think this situation is going on. This should never be!!!!

I've spoken with two jewish friends from NY. And ask their opinion. Quoting:

"Democracy ain't easy! But we have to be vigilant in protecting everyone's rights or we might just find ourselves on the receiving end of this racial and religious hatred that the Republican party is trying to foment... in America. These are very difficult times and it would be so much easier to give in and marginalize those who are representative of a people hell bent on destroying us. But we must stay strong and support the rights of all people to religious freedom, even if we have to hold our noses while we do it."

Well, that's BS at the highest level!
In Europe we also live under democracy and there are also religious freedom. If someone wants to build a mosque or a synagog in Rome, can do it...just not in St. Peter's square.The biggest problem with the mosque is that according to Islamic theology, the attack was fully justified. And now they want to build a monument to Islam just steps away from Ground Zero.This is not by any means the matter of simply establishing a building and nothing more.
All americans, including muslims, must enjoy freedom of religion, a bedrock principle of the american nation. I am not american but i am all for it. But there are already numerous mosques In NY, so there is no threat to muslim's religious freedom there. If the group of muslims building this mosque have no alterier motive, then build it somewhere else. Explain their financing and, most important, about why they insist on a mosque so close to american hallowed ground. For example, almost nothing is known about where the 100 million dollars to build the mosque would come from. The source is not incidental, given that some islamic sects are hostile to west and specially to americans.
There's never a good time for "turning the other cheek", but this would be a remarkably awful time to do it. This so called "political correcness" of western freedom and culture is our greatest weakness. They use our own values against us...and we allowed.
Islamists do taqiyaah. They are also well aware that, in order to promote their religion, they are allowed to use any means necessary that includes propagandizing the notion of a peaceful and moderate Islam.
If there are moderate muslims, they must take the feelings of americans and, specially the families of the victims into account. Cordoba House will needlessly rub salt in the unhealed wounds of 9/11. That's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Everything you need to know about Islam on one single webpage:
