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Monday, December 14, 2009

How to tell if you're a Muslim:

•If you and your wife fight over the remote, and it's to a detonator, you could be a Muslim.

•If you write love letters starting off with "I'm in love with ewe", you could be a Muslim.

•If you go to a barbecue and your former neighbor is on the spit, you could be a Muslim.

•If you buy a vest and wear it only once, you could be a Muslim.

•If you're afraid of overeating because you may explode, you could be a Muslim.

•If your camel is prettier than your sister, you could be a Muslim.

•If you squint and hold your ears every time the cellphone rings, you could be a Muslim.

•If you secretly visit Plank's Constant for pix of naked little girls, you could be a Muslim.

•If your closet has 6 sets of camouflage clothing, you could be a Muslim.

•If you would rather have your children die than get your Quran dirty, you could be a Muslim.

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